

To put it very simply, closures allow you to encapsulate some behaviour, pass it around like any other object, and still have access to the context in which they were first declared. This allows you to separate out control structures, logical operators etc from the details of how they’re going to be used. The ability to access the original context is what separates closures from normal objects, although closure implementations typically achieve this using normal objects and compiler trickery.


static void Main()
    List<string> sample = ...;
    List<string> ret = new List<string>();
    foreach (string item in sample)
        if (item.Length <= 4)
    return ret;


static bool MatchFourLetterOrFewer(string item)
    return item.Length <= 4;

static void Main()
    Predicate<string> predicate = new Predicate<string>(MatchFourLetterOrFewer);
    List<string> shortWords = ListUtil.Filter(sample, predicate);

这样写比原来要好一些,因为把具体的filter操作封装到了一个函数里面(这个做法有点像STL中的functor)。然而,为了实现这个filter,我们的代价是多了一个函数,那有没有一个更优美的做法呢?采用anonymous function我们可以这么写。

static void Main()
    Predicate<string> predicate = delegate (string item) { return item.Length <= 4; };
    List<string> shortWords = ListUtil.Filter(sample, predicate);

更简洁地,采用lamda expression,甚至可以这么写。

static void Main()
    Predicate<string> predicate = item => item.Length <= 4;
    List<string> shortWords = ListUtil.Filter(sample, predicate);




public class VariableLengthMatcher
    int maxLength;

    public VariableLengthMatcher(int maxLength)
        this.maxLength = maxLength;

    /// <summary>
    /// Method used as the action of the delegate
    /// </summary>
    public bool Match(string item)
        return item.Length <= maxLength;

static void Main()
    Console.Write("Maximum length of string to include? ");
    int maxLength = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

    VariableLengthMatcher matcher = new VariableLengthMatcher(maxLength);
    Predicate<string> predicate = matcher.Match;
    IList<string> shortWords = ListUtil.Filter(SampleData.Words, predicate);

采用anonymous function和lamda expression的写法则可以这样改。

static void Main()
    Console.Write("Maximum length of string to include? ");
    int maxLength = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
    Predicate<string> predicate = delegate (string item) { return item.Length <= maxLength; };
    List<string> shortWords = ListUtil.Filter(sample, predicate);
static void Main()
    Console.Write("Maximum length of string to include? ");
    int maxLength = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
    Predicate<string> predicate = item => item.Length <= maxLength;
    List<string> shortWords = ListUtil.Filter(sample, predicate);




#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>

FILE *log_func_call;

typedef int (*func_t)(int arg);

int foo(int a) {
    return a + 1;

func_t create_wrap_function(func_t f) {
    int wrapped(int arg) {
        // call original function
        int val = f(arg);
        fprintf(log_func_call, "arg: %d ret: %d", arg, val);
        return val;
    return wrapped;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    assert(log_func_call = fopen("log_func_call", "w"));
    func_t bar = create_wrap_function(foo);
    printf("%d\n", bar(2));

    return 0;

这段代码是可以编译通过的,意思是,我需要introspect某个函数(这里是foo),每次这个函数被调用时,将其调用参数和返回值记录到一个文件里。这段代码里加入了一个名为create_wrap_function的新函数,里面包含一个叫做wrapped的nested function,在这个wrapped里面记录下函数的调用参数和返回值,然后直接返回这个nested function。之所以说这是一个closure是因为wrapped访问了create_wrap_function中的context(函数参数f)。


编译这段代码gcc ./wrapped_function.c -g -O0 -o wrapped_function,用nm查看其中的symbol,发现符号表中存在wrapped这个entry,且type为t,说明其相当于一个存在于text section的正常函数。

0000000000600bc0 A _edata
0000000000600bd0 A _end
000000000040079c T _fini
0000000000400470 T _init
00000000004004e0 T _start
000000000040050c t call_gmon_start
0000000000600bc0 b completed.6092
000000000040063a T create_wrap_function
0000000000600bb0 W data_start
0000000000400530 t deregister_tm_clones
00000000004005ec T foo
                 U fopen@@GLIBC_2.2.5
                 U fprintf@@GLIBC_2.2.5
00000000004005c0 t frame_dummy
0000000000600bc8 B log_func_call
000000000040067e T main
                 U printf@@GLIBC_2.2.5
0000000000400560 t register_tm_clones
00000000004005fb t wrapped.2184              <=========



(gdb) p bar
$1 = (func_t) 0x7fffffffe348
(gdb) x/5i bar
    0x7fffffffe348:      mov    $0x4005fb,%r11d
    0x7fffffffe34e:      movabs $0x7fffffffe340,%r10
    0x7fffffffe358:      rex.WB jmpq *%r11
    0x7fffffffe35b:      nop
    0x7fffffffe35c:      add    %al,(%rax)

可以看到这其实是一段trampoline code,第一条mov将wrapped的真正地址放到了r11当中,然后在第三条汇编用一个indirect jump跳转过去,那么第二条mov将一个绝对值(也是一个栈上的地址)放入r10中又是在做神马呢?继续看wrapped的反汇编。

(gdb) x/20i 0x4005fb
    0x4005fb <wrapped>:  push   %rbp
    0x4005fc <wrapped+1>:        mov    %rsp,%rbp
    0x4005ff <wrapped+4>:        sub    $0x20,%rsp
    0x400603 <wrapped+8>:        mov    %edi,-0x14(%rbp)
    0x400606 <wrapped+11>:       mov    %r10,%rax                  <========
    0x400609 <wrapped+14>:       mov    (%rax),%rax                <========
    0x40060c <wrapped+17>:       mov    -0x14(%rbp),%edx
    0x40060f <wrapped+20>:       mov    %edx,%edi
    0x400611 <wrapped+22>:       callq  *%rax                      <========
    0x400613 <wrapped+24>:       mov    %eax,-0x4(%rbp)
    0x400616 <wrapped+27>:       mov    0x2005db(%rip),%rax        # 0x600bf8 <log_func_call>
    0x40061d <wrapped+34>:       mov    -0x4(%rbp),%ecx
    0x400620 <wrapped+37>:       mov    -0x14(%rbp),%edx
    0x400623 <wrapped+40>:       mov    $0x4007e0,%esi
    0x400628 <wrapped+45>:       mov    %rax,%rdi
    0x40062b <wrapped+48>:       mov    $0x0,%eax
    0x400630 <wrapped+53>:       callq  0x4004c0 <fprintf@plt>
    0x400635 <wrapped+58>:       mov    -0x4(%rbp),%eax
    0x400638 <wrapped+61>:       leaveq
    0x400639 <wrapped+62>:       retq

可以看到wrapped将r10的内容拷到了rax当中,并解引用,随后indirect call跳转,很容易猜到这应该是create_wrap_function传入的参数f(也就是foo的地址),原来nested function是采用这样的方式来传递context的,栈帧型构大致如下。

      |   old rbp
|_____|___________________|     <------ %%rbp(0x7fffffffe360)
|    \|/                  | 
|     ____________________|     
|_____|                   |
|  trampoline code        |
|  (mov, mov, jmp)        |
|_________________________|     <------ 0x7fffffffe348
|  context of wrapper     |
|_________________________|     <------ 0x7fffffffe340


(gdb) p create_wrap_function 
$2 = {func_t (func_t)} 0x40063a <create_wrap_function>
(gdb) x/18i 0x40063a
    0x40063a <create_wrap_function>:     push   %rbp
    0x40063b <create_wrap_function+1>:   mov    %rsp,%rbp
    0x40063e <create_wrap_function+4>:   mov    %rdi,-0x28(%rbp)
    0x400642 <create_wrap_function+8>:   mov    -0x28(%rbp),%rax
    0x400646 <create_wrap_function+12>:  mov    %rax,-0x20(%rbp)
    0x40064a <create_wrap_function+16>:  lea    -0x20(%rbp),%rax
    0x40064e <create_wrap_function+20>:  add    $0x8,%rax
    0x400652 <create_wrap_function+24>:  lea    -0x20(%rbp),%rdx
    0x400656 <create_wrap_function+28>:  mov    $0x4005fb,%ecx
    0x40065b <create_wrap_function+33>:  movw   $0xbb41,(%rax)
    0x400660 <create_wrap_function+38>:  mov    %ecx,0x2(%rax)
    0x400663 <create_wrap_function+41>:  movw   $0xba49,0x6(%rax)
    0x400669 <create_wrap_function+47>:  mov    %rdx,0x8(%rax)
    0x40066d <create_wrap_function+51>:  movl   $0x90e3ff49,0x10(%rax)
    0x400674 <create_wrap_function+58>:  lea    -0x20(%rbp),%rax
    0x400678 <create_wrap_function+62>:  add    $0x8,%rax
    0x40067c <create_wrap_function+66>:  pop    %rbp
    0x40067d <create_wrap_function+67>:  retq

可以看到create_wrap_function在prologue后就将参数f保存到了-0x20(%rbp)处,接下来一串奇怪的mov指令就是在栈上构造trampoline code,最后返回trampoline code的地址,思路还是比较清晰的。

gcc internal里面有一段对于trampoline for nested function的介绍,可以作为参考。

最后还有两个问题,一个是这些在栈上的精妙构造之后不会被破坏么?答案是肯定的,在调用bar之前加一个dummy function,不干别的,直接将一个比较大的局部变量清零,调用bar的时候就会segmentation fault。原因很明显,它将trampoline code抹掉了。。。这说明用gcc nested function实现的closure是不完善的。

void dummy_function(void) {
    char tmp[0x100];        
    memset(tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp));

第二个问题是,为什么栈上的代码可以执行呢,x86_64不是有禁止执行位(NX bit)么?


[20] 1J 21:51:21 testvm:~/test # ps -ef|grep wrap
root     49492 49232  0 21:50 pts/1    00:00:00 cgdb ./wrap-function
root     49493 49492  0 21:50 pts/3    00:00:00 gdb --nw --annotate=2 -x /root/.tgdb/a2_gdb_init ./wrap-function
root     49495 49493  0 21:50 pts/4    00:00:00 /root/test/wrap-function
root     49501 49232  0 21:51 pts/1    00:00:00 grep --colour wrap
1J 21:51:27 testvm:~/test # cat /proc/49495/maps 
00400000-00401000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 137681                 /root/test/wrap-function
00600000-00601000 rwxp 00000000 08:01 137681                 /root/test/wrap-function
00601000-00622000 rwxp 00000000 00:00 0                      [heap]
7ffff7a53000-7ffff7bd3000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 391699         /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.13.so
7ffff7bd3000-7ffff7dd3000 ---p 00180000 08:01 391699         /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.13.so
7ffff7dd3000-7ffff7dd7000 r-xp 00180000 08:01 391699         /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.13.so
7ffff7dd7000-7ffff7dd8000 rwxp 00184000 08:01 391699         /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.13.so
7ffff7dd8000-7ffff7ddd000 rwxp 00000000 00:00 0 
7ffff7ddd000-7ffff7dfd000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 391702         /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-2.13.so
7ffff7fe6000-7ffff7fe9000 rwxp 00000000 00:00 0 
7ffff7ff8000-7ffff7ffb000 rwxp 00000000 00:00 0 
7ffff7ffb000-7ffff7ffc000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0              [vdso]
7ffff7ffc000-7ffff7ffd000 r-xp 0001f000 08:01 391702         /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-2.13.so
7ffff7ffd000-7ffff7ffe000 rwxp 00020000 08:01 391702         /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-2.13.so
7ffff7ffe000-7ffff7fff000 rwxp 00000000 00:00 0 
7ffffffde000-7ffffffff000 rwxp 00000000 00:00 0              [stack]
ffffffffff600000-ffffffffff601000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0      [vsyscall]

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20 November 2013
